I appreciate your responses, they have definitely pointed me in what I believe is the right direction. I tried to use and modify the getallsheetmetal example but the vanilla version of that script does not compile. Has anyone else had any luck with getting this to compile?
I work for a fabrication shop where we generate our sheet metal parts using a list of deductions we have compiled through bending and measuring parts of various thickness and material type. This requires me to enter the bend deduction for every part I draw and the chance for error when...
I have been trying to fix the mismatch in the linearity portion of the graph and had a couple questions for you.
-I am a little confused when you asked is the geometry non linear. I set up the study to be non-linear static and I have checked the large displacement option under...
Thanks for the reply and good call on the softening spring. It is basically an energy absorption link that undergoes a force which causes it to go to failure. Your assumption about the deformation increasing to the point where the moments have increased.
I have not been able to uncover...
I am currently trying to match the results that were obtained in an Instron machine within COSMOS Premium 2008 and have had some success. I am able to match the force necessary to reach the plasticity point within 5.7% but the data after that is not correct (See attached image)...
Ok, I found that I can add a new restraint with type set to use reference geometry and choose it to vary with time and set the curve so that is linear over the simulation.
This accomplishes what I want to a point, I am now trying to create a plot of Force (N) vs Displacement (mm) but I cannot...
Hello for the first time everyone...this is my first post here!
I am using Cosmos 2008 sp3 and I am trying to simulate compression testing where there is a constant displacement. The first couple of simulations I completed were nonlinear because the object goes beyond its yield strength and...