I want to switch because I don't have direct control in choosing element types (the way I can do in ANSYS). I don't know which element type is chosen by software when I create connection between instances. I know that I can choose sort of behaviour when I use connectors, but I don't know what...
What preprocessor are You using to run tasks in abaqus solver? I'm using abaqus/cae and looking for alternative. I've heard some words about ANSA and HyperMesh that they are quite universal.
Please reply.
In ANSYS there is a possibility to plot convergence plot while obtaining results from non-linear problem. I'm looking for this functionality.
By the way You don't have to use automatic mesh refinement - P or H method.
I must add something to what u said. Cosmos or SW Simulation are tools for design engineers. They are simple black boxes and u don't have to know much about it. If u'd like to simulate a real world problems in Abaqus or similar software u will have to learn a lot not only to get a result, but to...
According to what one of the CAE professionals said, those errors are due to a lack of reference to nodes (or surfaces) at the assembly (or interaction) level. Abaqus creates an assembly-level node sets automatically (I don't know why) and sometimes it makes a mistake by creating something that...
Can someone explain me this error?
The job input file "Teleskop01.inp" has been submitted for analysis.
Error in job Teleskop01: in keyword *SURFACE, file "Teleskop01.inp", line 91549: Unknown assembly node set _PICKEDSET264
Error in job Teleskop01: in keyword *SURFACE, file "Teleskop01.inp"...
I'm trying to connect two instances - a sleeve with a pin. I put the pin to the sleeve (as it's normally done). The assembly You can view here.
I used MPC Beam, MPC Link and MPC Pin connection to test which of these will be the best choice. I got, as I could expect different results. Does...