If I get a sample from 2m below GL and the ground has unit weight of 20 KN/m^3. How to calculate stresses for tri axial loading test to simulate ground conditions ?
Confining or cell pressure and deviator stress.
Thanks in advance.
I am not very experienced with this, but i feel there is a strata between 20 and 100 ft that is not very good. Either it is a mineral formation or fractured soil. Rather go for changes in design, like adding bulb or a kink in a pile to accommodate low skin friction. As far as values are...
It does not depend on the loading conditions. Effective parameters mean how much the soil skeleton can take irrespective of the water present in pore. The water in pores experience pressure and bear part of load. If you subtract that, you get effective parameters which tells you about the soil...
Basically I am pursuing my masters degree and I have interest in soil dynamics and earthquake engineering. One of the topics I have in my mind is behavior of earth dams during earthquakes. I want this topic for term paper, but I am willing to take it further.
Use lateral earth pressure to calculate stress distribution of stresses. Usually for water table conditions, you add the weight of water to lateral earth pressure separately. Due to water, tension zone also might form in the retaining section. I hope this is helpful.