Well, I've actually GONE to upper management already, 49078; in the hopes that somebody... anybody... else is seeing the way things are going in our young department. They didn't really tip their hand about whether or not they're leaning toward some sort of change; but they did seem to indicate...
I have actually seen that happen, around here... folks returning, I mean. I know it's possible to pull that off. It would definitely linger in the back of my mind, if I do decide to move across town; and I would certainly continue to cultivate the better relationships I've been able to...
I have spoken with him, to the extent that I feel I can without alienating him. I think I’m juuuuuust on the verge of making him feel threatened; probably by my (rather overt) attempts to market AROUND him; instead of through him… I can’t help it; he won’t DO any real marketing...
I can tell that you have achieved the virtue of patience, imok2... I'm just not sure how you managed that in the consulting world; if, indeed that's where you're writing from.
I appreciate your thoughts on this matter; especially yours, CorBlimeyLimey. I only hope I haven't put you off...
Actually, imok2, I am currently talking to an outfit right across town; and to tell you the truth it looks pretty promising. I just hate to bail on something that otherwise has sooooo much potential. I really like the folks here, and the work is very satisfactory, when we have it. With our...
The name has been changed to protect the... well, I don't know if "innocent" is really the right... well, anyway, the name has been changed...
George is the manager of a newly established department in the building services group of a multi-disciplined engineering consulting and land-surveying...