I'm trying to use element deletion in order to take into account damage of the material i use. I think the results are quite what I expect but the problem is when I choose ELEMENT DELETION=YES the deleted elements stay in the view. I use a tool so in the cae I can see the tool penetrate and...
I'd like to export the deformed geometry at the end of an analyses in order to use it in the beginning of another one. In fact, i'd like to mesh my part on the deformed geometry to run another simulation. I've succeeding in importing part and field but it's not sufficient for my goal.
Thank you, it will help me a lot in the future. Any way I concluded the same idea that there is in the manual : use of the element-based surface defintion...
The temperature fields and the mechanical fields... When I recalculate the friction coefficient, in one case I didn't find the one I put in input... And my goal is to make a thermomechanical analysis so it's a big problem...
The model in the two cases are indentical. I've only changed the definition of the slave surface.
I've looked for explanation in the manual and I've found it yet.
I'm using ABAQUS/Explicit and i'd like to modelize contact between a tool and a sheet. I use a master/slave contact algorithm with penalty methods. To define the slave surface i can choose Node or Surface. I get results which are very differents from one to the others. What should I choose...
I'm using ABAQUS/Explicit and i'd like to modelize contact between a tool and a sheet. I use a master/slave contact algorithm with penalty methods. To define the slave surface i can choose Node or Surface. I get results which are very differents from one to the others. What should i choose...
you can maybe try to use mass scaling which allows you to modify the density during the step. By this way, you would only be able to change the density at the beginning of the step i think.
Try to read help about *MASS SCALING
I try to run a computation and after the first step, at the beginning of the second one, the calculation crash down. In the .log files there is the following message : "error floating point operation (signal 8)". Does anyone know what it means and how to solve the problem.
I like to know how to use re-meshing an especially ALE methods. I'm using ABAQUS/Explicit.
I got a plate of an Aluminium alloys with a hole in the center. A solid rigid body (tool) made by two cylinder penetrates it in a first step: here no probleme. Then the tool is rotating and heating...