Very weird. I restarted teamcenter/ NX, opened this model (Layer 1 only layer visible) and again couldn't see the "Delete" option. I turned on all layers and this time finally could see the "Delete" option. Before deleting the extra sections, I tried turning all the layers off again to try to...
I can confirm that I am in "Modleing" environment, not gateway, and also RMB clicking on the section listed in the Assy Navi, not in graphics window. The same problem is true when I try to delete this in other models, so it doesn't seem to be a corrupt part file either. I've tried restarting...
Unfortunately, the "DELETE" option does not appear in the drop-down when I highlight a section and RMB click. I've seen this "DELETE" option available for others, so it seems the solution to finding how to delete those clip sections will be finding out where my "Delete" option went and how to...
I am working on a 3D model that somehow ended up with over 350 dynamic sections ("clip" sections visible in Assembly Navigator). I would like to clean this up and delete them all, or some of them, but there is no option to delete these when you RMB click on them, or when you press the Delete...