I would like to know, what do you think about using a to desuperheat a steam, a condensate which is at a higher temperature and higher pressure than that steam ?
B barry
I guess that, the syphoning effect influence would be the same in term of startup head, but the power demand would be directly proportional to the slurry density.
B Barry
Would that means I will have to size the pump and motor for starup conditions? ie 100 ft static head more.
If so, this pump would run too far from the BEP once the primed !
Good day to all,
In the process of trouble shouting a mud disposal system, I found that although the discharge point has an elevation below the suction point; thus giving a negative static head, there is a hill in between wich is 100 ft above suction elevation. How could I take in account that...
Don't worry Sprintcar, I'm still here and my problem still pending. As you said, there is a low NPSHA and the pump doesn't suit the application. But, as it is more than likely that we cannot change the process to fit the pump, we are still looking for a pump wich can do the duty in good...
I second Artisi too, something is wrong. None wants me to talk about the pump althouhg the supplier itself agrees the pump is not convenable for this appication, good. But that I can tell you since that pump has designed, the process flow has increased by 20% we are still at 77% of design...
Hey guy,
I'm sorry for this long silence, I had too many thing to do that put this shaft failure in second importance. Nevertheless, our mechanical engineer has send the shaft to a specialised company for analyses and after many exchangers with GIW, it seems to us that they do not understand why...
Please find below some facts listed after the shaft faillure.
1. Radial (Impeller end) cover broken
2. Bearings found to be in satisfactory condition
3. Stuffing box bolts worked themselves loose. Some of the bolts were found loose.
4. Shaft broken outside of RA.
5. Broken impeller plate.
We are using those parts since 2001. Furthermore we have 4 pumps using them, but we have faillure only on one of them ( 2 shafts broken in 3 weeks). This later has commun suction and cummun discharge with another one, which experienced no problem.
How can I blame the part?
Thanks at all again.
We are talking with GIW at this moment.
On the other hand, we are not using the OEM pump shaft, but the part is not pirated as our supply is not in Thailand but a very well know, sitting in the USA.
This pump has a very low NPSH required, I think that is the reason they choose it, dispite the fact it's running far from the BEP.
The shaft is broken at the impeller side.
What means, the dead head is far lower than the supplier curve?
Thanks to all for your good inputs.
What I did today, is to determine a dead head and a running head. It comes out to be 25 ft lower than expected and the running head is quit similar to the dead head. I'm sure that the impeller size and the speed are as design (39", 590rpm). The pressure...
On a slurry line I have a pump with the following design data :
Design @ duty : 10 000 gpm
BEP : 20 000 gpm
Actual flow max : 8 500 gpm
I'm experiencing frequent failures ( 150 mm shaft breakage)
My questions are :
- Should I blame the designer?
- Could I say that the failures result of a bad...