A phonecall sometimes is so much easier. Hilti corrected me in that the Hilti HCI-WF, it does not need to comply with ACI 355.2 because it’s a Pre-Cast Anchor, and not Post-Installed: “ACI 355.2 Qualifications of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concrete and Commentary”.
I have encountered that requirement on GOV projects. We basically pipe a single sprinkler into the space and include a tampered control valve and Zero-Delay Flow Switch for monitoring purposes.
stookeyfpe is correct. NFPA 13 2013 Edition Section also states:
Automatic fire sprinklers shall not be required in elevator machine rooms, elevator machinery spaces, control spaces, or hoistways of traction elevators installed in accordance with the applicable provisions in NFPA 101...
thread184-362221 Good afternoon. This thread was closed but thought I'd chime in on the discussion as my company recently encountered this "new" issue. I posed the same question to the NFSA Engineer of the Day (EOD) and they concur, that ALL piping - either seismic bracing or just hanging 1"...