great imput folks. All very helpful to my thought process. I don't want to paint a negative picture of my present company- I am not earning a market rate, but not being absolutely ripped off either. I am compensated approx 15-20% less than "market value" (as listed on I have...
bttrueblood, it should be a non-profit company... we are owned by a scientist, and the majority of our projects are science backed. We try to give (more than) fair prices to the interesting science projects. Science budgets are typically very limited.
I guess a follow-up question would be...
thanks for your ideas gents. While I realize no one can tell me the "right" decision, I am very interested in others opionions and experiences.
I really like your last line: "Realistically, the only possible regret is whether you have spent enough time with your family. All else...
I have a conumdrum, and I hoping to hear some insight from others who might have faced a similar situation. I realize that I am very fortunate to have this decision, but it is not an easy one!
I my present job is almost exactly my dream job, except for the pay. I work at a very small...