Hi all,
I am trying to make a hyper elastic simulation of a polypropylene shell.
To characterize the mechanical behavior of this material, I make tensile test in two directions (longitudinal/transversal), the measurement are very different.
My question is: if it is possible to create an...
Thank you for your answer.
In my case, I have 2 APDL files for and I would like to execute the APDL's files and save the 2 .db files for each run.
Could you explain the different steps to do this macro?
Thanks in advance.
If I do not use some CP's or contact elements, the membrane is not supported any more by the strongback. Probably I do not understand waht you mind...sorry for my english...
This is my apdl file with a simple geometry and with no contacts and CP's, it probably help you to understand my problem...
Hi all,
I am using Ansys classic to model the mecanical behavour of a membrane. The assembly is composed by a strongback (it looks like a square mesh), in this part, a thick film of polymer is glue and a pressure is applied.
So to model with Ansys the mechanical behavour, I use solid element...