rbalex, thanks for your patience and taking the time to answer my posts.
I like your definition of an interior room and would like to find something in the codes or standards that clearly support that definition. I’ve been through every NFPA code that I think applies to this application and...
OK. I reviewed these sections again and looked to see if others might apply. Chapters 12 and 17 refer back to Chapter 7 and Chapter 9 pretty much states the same as Table 7.3.3 regarding electrical classification. They all indicate that ventilation is required, but nothing I could find tells...
rbalex – are you saying that the 4th line from the bottom (Inside rooms or storage lockers used for the storage of Class 1 liquids) only applies if the room is entirely surrounded by other rooms? The room that I am evaluating has other rooms on three sides and one outside wall (with openings)...
I'm working on determining the electrical classification in a building that has a storage room where they store Class 1B flammable liquids. As I read Table 7.3.3, that entire room would be classified as NEC Class 1, div 2, zone 2.
There are other indoor rooms in the building adjacent to this...