Well, make a snarky post, get a snarky answer :). Sound advice though, despite the riposte.
I suppose the biggest challenge is dealing with the organizational nightmare that is the most recent AASHTO code (at least, compared to other codes). No excuses though.
I actually appreciate B16A2's and SpecialEddie's posts, despite the fact that they need to work on their bedside manner.
I attribute my failure to different things, which include the fact that I didn't study enough. I could make up excuses about my work week or the fact that I'm out of town at...
Thank you everyone for your replies (I'd respond individually but I don't want to clutter the thread, hah). I feel a lot better reading them, so thank you.
I am going to see about appealing or having them recheck my exam form. If that doesn't work, I'm going to try going out of state for the...
Well, results for the PE Exam were posted yesterday (for Texas anyway), and I've failed it for the fourth time in a row (by one question, same as the last time I took it). I blame myself for not studying enough (although our heavy workload has been at least partly to blame, and the lack...