Hey there!
I want to have animation of my results.
I used "animate > save as" but all I got was a "video" with an image (not moving) during less than a second.
I can properly see the animation in abaqus, but when I save it as a video, this happens...
Can someone help please?
Hey there!
I'm having some trouble with abaqus.
I have a solid structure and I created a shell that covers it. I then deleted the structure and now I want the shell to have a thickness so I can apply mechanical properties to it (if there's any other way to do this without attributing a...
Hey there!
I have two structures which meshes overlap, in abaqus.
I don't want them to overlap, so I was told to establish a contact pair between them in order to properly adjust the meshes and they articulate with each other without overlapping.
I ran a simulation and in the initial step I...
Hey there!
I have an ellipsoid structure that is empty inside (I only have its outer layer) and I want it to pressure a tube structure next to it. I was told to apply a pressure on the inside part of the ellipsoid (it is not completely closed so I can easily access its inside part) to simulate...
Hey there!
I ran a simulation on abaqus where I defined the material with the following properties:
*Material, name=test
12000, 0.3
If no value is chosen for density and damping, is there a default value?
Yes! I can finally open it, but the geometry is not okay, as some nodes have as coordinates (0,0,0). However, I think there are many nodes like this, is there any way I can find what nodes are missing coordinates?
This is what appears in the Massage area: (main in the file I imported)
A new model database has been created.
The model "Model-1" has been created.
The model "main" has been created.
NoKeywordsDefinedError: This occurred while scanning input file for fixed format and parameterized data.
Hey there!
I'm new to abaqus and femap so i still have some trouble dealing with it.
I have a model in femap that I want to export to abaqus so I can run some tests.
I created an inp file from femap but as it's a complex model and I just want to use some parts of it in abaqus, I created...