If somebody can help mi please do.
I have a problem doing analysis of meander line on Si substrate.Substrate is 760x760 micrometer, and 400micrometer hight.On top of it there is SiO2 layer of 5 micrometer of thickness, and then gos meander line whosw with is 40 micrometer and thisknes is 8...
yes I checked those options and TCP-IP is good.I was looking in to ANSYS Knowledge base on site and there I read an information that I should turn of firewall couse I have WinXP SP2 and reboot but nothing hapened.Everything stay the same
If someone can helpme please write me on drdadara@yahoo.com
I'm asking you to help me couse I have a problem instaling ANSYS.I mean I have a problem with running it.I have Intel Pentium 4 wit enough RAM and hard disc memory.When I instal Ansys and FLEX and start lmgrd and do required things and...