Hi all,
I am struggling with the concept of applying different PSD curves in multiple directions (x, y and z) to the supports of a structure. Assuming that there is no correlation between the different PSD curves, how is determined the response of the structure in one particular direction?
Hi Clement,
The way I went around the problem was to write an input file using the FE Modeler module in workbench (using this module, the software no longer assigns "different" materials to different parts) and importing it to the ANSYS Classic environment for the actual run. This is not the...
Hello all,
Thanks for the prompt replies.
Steve & Doug, all the Bodies have the same material specified. However, one thing that I noticed was that, when I took a look to the APDL commands input file generated by WB, Ansys creates as many materials (with identical properties) as there are...
Hello Doug,
Thanks for the reply.
Actually, my purpose is indeed to have multiple Bodies grouped in a Part so that I can create a structured mesh. I don't know any other way of reaching this goal.
Here is an extract of the Ansys help file about this matter:
"Multiple solid bodies within a...
Hi all,
I'm currently building a relatively large structural model in ANSYS Workbench and I need your help in an intriguing issue that has come up.
Since this is a relatively complex geometry, I need to divide it into simpler "blocks" in order to have a nice structured mesh. To do so I am...
Hello all,
Sorry for the long post but it is worth it.
I am currently analyzing the response of a beam shaped solid (clamped at one end) to a base (displacement) random excitation. I am interested in knowing the 1-sigma displacements (RMS values) of some nodes in the same direction of the...
Hi corus,
I've also thought of that, but when I tried applying a fixed displacement instead of a load the analysis stopped in the same position as before.
Hi all,
The non-linearity is purely geometrical (due to large deformations). As to the boundary conditions, I've applied an encastre to the peripheral cylindrical surface and there is a concentrated load applied in the x marked point (a reference point associated to a rigid discrete surface)...
Hi all,
I'm currently trying to run a nonlinear static analysis of an engine mount using this simplified 3D geometry:
The material model is assumed to be a linear elastic one with a...
Hi all,
To all of you that have been following this thread, I just wanted to tell you that I have found what was wrong with my analysis. Apparently, to perform this kind of analysis, the boundary conditions need to be aplied on the nodes rather than on lines and areas (go figure :)).
Thanks to all
>>Have you tried the model with varying amounts of pressure differential to see if there is a cut off point when buckling doesnt occur?
Yes, I've tried different loads and none seems to be enough to cause buckling with a non-linear analysis.
Hi Stringmaker,
Theoretically there is no imperfection in the structure. But to analyse buckling with the non-linear analysis, I´ve indroduced a small geometric perturbation using the command: UPGEOM,0.005,1,1,%MYJOBNAME(1)%,RST
This updates the geometry by introducing a perturbation that is...
Hi all,
I'm currently having some troubles analising a thin walled conical conduct subjected to the atmospheric pressure on the outside (vacuum inside). The problem is that no matter what I do I can't find the buckling load (or mode) with a non-linear analysis: the structure simply deforms like...