I am looking for the acceptance test criteria for boilers and pressure vessels installed in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.Ny State requires this upon completion of boilers but have been unable to find what tests are required.
Thank you,
Lately I have been involved in the design of geothermal heat pump systems. We have used the closed loop design and installation costs are a big number. I have heard of direct burial systems, i.e. burying refrigerant lines in wells, but am concerned about problems. Does anyone out there have...
Thank you,
I agree with you but when I was sizing cooling coils with a mfgs. rep., he said the output he was getting from his program derated the output by 30%. It did not make sense to me that the derating factors would be different from chiller to air handler/cooling coil.Ever heard of that?
I am inquiring about a derating factor to be applied to the performance (sensible & latent)of a chilled water coil with 30% propylene glycol. The chiller mfg. suggests a 5% derating for the chiller performance. Is this derating the same for the coil/air handler. If not, why not?
I am involved in a septic system design for a 5br house.
Conducted percolation tests on the soils and rates were in the 2 to 3 miutes per inch range.The soils are sandy,gravel mix. Local health department will not allow a system to be placed in the these soils. I am looking for a procedure to...
Thank you compositepro. What does CTE stand for.This is happening at almost all apartments (200+)
Thanks kenvlach.The dewpoint of return air is above pipe temperature, therefore condensation should not be happening.
Thanks for the post. Can you suggest a source for information on "Buckling phenomena of a pipe cross section"
which would give formulas and calculation procedures for determining failure stress ,deflection, etc.
I am trying to determine the parameters and sizing criteria to determine the collapse strength for a large diameter pipe.(Exterior pressure). Can any one steer me to a good refence or source?
I surveyed an apartment complex that has a water source heat pump system for HVAC with a condensing loop serving
all units.The condensing loop is steel but in each seperate apartments mechanical room, the pipe material changes to pvc. The last steel fitting before transitioning to pvc is...