Hey guy's thank's for your information and sorry if the information I gave wasn't enough.But I did find out today that we have a high resistance grounding system.So with only one of the phases grounded the ground fault indicator light on the transformer came on allowing us to locate fault and...
Thank's for your help.I'm going to talk to the electrical supervisor and plant engineer and see if they can provide some information to prove the system has proper grounding protection.I'll post any information I get and see what you think.
The motor is a 2hp,480v,3ph,1700rpm.It's fed from 480v starter with overload protection at mcc so I thought the breaker at the mcc should have tripped due to a phase to ground but it didn't,the ground fault indicator light at the substation just came on letting us know there was a ground fault...
We had a ground fault indicator light come on in one of our substaions recently.After troubleshooting we found out that a 480v 3phase motor was wired wrong,OOPS!One of the phase wires was terminated to ground at the motor and the EGC was hooked up to one of the t-leads of the motor.My question...
I'll try a make up a rough sketch of the water distribution system and post it.Lionelhutz I believe your on the right track with the electric solenoid valves.WE have 2 water tanks that are used for supply for production.Each tank is supplied by a 2" pipe that branches off the main water supply...
We finally fired up the vfd today to see if we could maintain pressure.First we opened up the inlet valve going to the pump,then we opened the outlet valve from the pump,then we started the pump(vfd) and closed the main supply.The water supply was then routed through pump and into the...
Thank's itsmoked,your suggestion makes sense.I think my boss is trying to correct the problem without looking at the whole picture.Correct me if I'm wrong but I think what your saying is the water pressure will still bang and drop even with the vfd trying to level out the pressure because of the...
The reason we were using the honeywell controller is that we are familar with the PID loop tuning on it.We don't have any experiance with the Yaskawa drive PID tuning at this point.If you have any input you could give on tuning the PID on the Yaskawa drive I would like to learn.I'm familar with...
WE have a problem with water pressure at our plant.The pressure ranges from 70psi to 40psi and often there is a significant enough change in pressure to shake the water lines.The booster pump we have is driven by constant speed motor at 1750rpm which we would like to be able to control the speed...