Thanks so much for all the posts, I really appreciate all the information.
We are exploring on the creep possibility, haven't gotten all the information from the site on cycles and operating times.
Thanks again,
Hello all,
Thanks so much for the responses.
We are thinking on something else was in the mix, that may have cause the swelling. We are also reviewing the conditions that the valve was operating, to check if cavitation occurred.
Thanks again,
Thanks btrueblood,
I saw the post on the other thread, and tried to move that thread to this forum, or try to close that one... any idea how to do that?
Thanks StoneCold, forgot to mention that this is a High Performance valve, the RPTFE seat doesn't have a backing material on it that I am aware of. I was thinking on that way, that the glycol may have permeate the seat somehow, but didn't know that it would do that to the reinforced teflon.
I have an application where the media is 50/50 water-GLycol, using a buttefly valve, with RPTFE seat. Temp is 232F, 35 psi and the seat is showing swelling, the valve has been in operation less than a year.
I can't find a chart that would give me temp ratings for Reinforced teflon and...
I have an application where the media is 50/50 water-GLycol, using a buttefly valve, with RPTFE seat. Temp is 232F, 35 psi and the seat is showing swelling, the valve has been in operation less than a year.
I can't find a chart that would give me temp ratings for Reinforced teflon and...