I wonder whether there is a conventional term for those single-helix halves of a herringbone gear?
Such a gear includes two helices, doesn't it? Each of the two occupies half the gear. Is it herringbone semi-gear or semi-herrinbone gear or anything else?
OK. I just need to know how you'd...
I believe, ring and pinion gears are used in cars.
Girth and pinion gears, however, have smth. to do with mills, kilns and the likes.
still not clear why different terms are used. I mean girth vs. ring.
possibly someone knows a synonym for "girth and pinion"
More context (from different articles):
The drier was fired by hot air generated by a kiln which ran above the drier. Unit is _girth/pinion driven_ and lifter bars and still in the shell. Gears on the _girth & pinion_ are fairly...
reading an article, I've come across the term "girth & pinion gear". Need to translate it into Russian properly (by the way I'm Russian). Could you help me by explaining what it is? most confused with the word "girth" :(
Thanx in advance,