Hi both,
Thanks for your input. I am looking into the use of alternative elements/approaches, namely a plane strain/generalized plane strain model. However, preliminary simulations for a homogeneous pipe appear to again be yielding inaccurate results (albeit correct ballpark, suggesting...
Thanks for looking into this. Here is the .cae file: https://filetransfer.io/data-package/lhf6Lnfa
Yes, I have been transforming into a cylindrical csys for the stresses. I have also tried various combinations of RP boundary conditions/end couplings in cylindrical coordinates, e.g. to allow...
The analytical solution was developed on MATLAB in a study (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0020740314001842 subscription required) and modified to the case of my pipe, here. The MATLAB solution is sound, and I can achieve reasonable correlation with FE for axial stress.
Hi FEA way,
Many thanks for your response. I am measuring stresses through thickness directly in the middle. I have played around with pipe length, however no luck (unless I need to use an exceptionally long section with fine mesh, which does not seem consistent with fairly 'medium' lengths...
Hello all,
First post; any help would be greatly appreciated (and apologies in advance if any improper thread etiquette).
I have been stuck for a while with FEA of a thick-walled pipe (Ri=76mm; t=24mm) under pure bending. The pipe consists of different layers: isotropic and orthotropic. The...