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  1. ptmoss

    Single Phase to 3 Phase efficiency

    Oh don't you all worry, there's good reason why I'm a civil engineer and have nothing to do with electrical!! He has been talking to an electrical guy who I believe works for a company doing the electrical engineering for all their plants (concrete and some related industrial). (There's a...
  2. ptmoss

    Single Phase to 3 Phase efficiency

    Seven figures to extend it and it would be my client footing the bill. It's a long ways off. The sewage pump isn't huge, 3-4 HP maybe, but he said their efficiency will be at about 40%. I think the same pump with 3-phase would be no better than 70%. I'm waiting to hear sizes for the...
  3. ptmoss

    Single Phase to 3 Phase efficiency

    I have a client interested in constructing a septage treatment facility that would include dewatering presses and pumping resultant liquid component about 180 feet (vertical head) up a hill to some leaching fields. He has a great property for it except 3-phase does not come to his property, and...
  4. ptmoss

    $12,500 fine possible-placing culvert w/o a permit

    OK, I read it. Doesn't really change how I feel. I think (uh-oh, here I go..) if the Millers had been able to show clearly the culverts pre-dated the law or even if it looked as such to the DNR then it never would have gone to court. Just my opinion though. But I do agree the OP would do...
  5. ptmoss

    $12,500 fine possible-placing culvert w/o a permit

    ..."They have you on the "maintain". It will not matter when it was built."... Not a chance. I don't live in WI, don't know a single law in WI. But if what you say is true then that puts every single driveway, private road, commercial/industrial site etc. that has a stream crossing built...
  6. ptmoss

    Fire Pond - No Water

    I designed a fire pond that got built a couple years ago. During construction the contractor uncovered some fractured ledge that he believes is slowly draining the pond. He believes this is the one area that's draining as the water level was rising until he dredged out this particular area and...
  7. ptmoss

    Handrails and Grade Differential

    Sorry, I have to disagree. I don't believe a single one of those applies to a driveway.
  8. ptmoss

    stormwater - one word, or two?

    I just read Drew08's post and the two Google ad's below it. One for "Catch Basin Cleaning", the other for "Stormwater Drainage". So the beat goes on...
  9. ptmoss

    SWMM "Time of Concentration"

    I've never used SWMM so I don't know if it's the primary software typically used for this application (I also haven't modeled such a large urban watershed, only rural). But since time of concentration is such a critical component of the various modeling programs I've used over the years, have...
  10. ptmoss

    Precast segmental retaining wall under water

    Is this a residential pond? Or perhaps a retention pond for a development? Fire pond? The blocks really won't function altogether differently than large rip-rap, but if they're not connected together internally they'll be subject to movement. Small ponds in my neck of the New England woods...
  11. ptmoss

    Handrails and Grade Differential

    Does HOA = Homeowners Association? If so then perhaps there is something in the Association Covenants requiring a handrail. But more basic, I assume the HOA concern is for pedestrian traffic as a handrail won't do too much for a vehicle (sorry to state the obvious..). How long is the driveway...
  12. ptmoss

    Agricultural Runoff Treatment System?

    Have you consulted with your County Conservation District? They have access to all the latest agricultural standards and specifications from USDA. Who knows, maybe there's some grant money available to help out? The Farm Bill has programs to help farmers out, usually cost-share programs but...
  13. ptmoss

    stormwater - one word, or two?

    storm (descriptive) water (noun) = two words red (descriptive) dog (noun) = two words That said, I always type it out as one word and I see it most often used as one word.
  14. ptmoss

    Residential Septic System Cost

    A three bedroom house in the northeast, except Maine - new system including design/permitting costs - $22,000 would not be wholly unusual when dealing with the typical hardpan soil. Especially if a pump is required. Somewhere on the higher side of average, but not unusual. For soils with fast...
  15. ptmoss

    Unconnected impervious

    Version 9, which I recently upgraded to, includes several CN values for impervious and unconnected impervious. A house out in the woods of a 2 or 5 acre (or however large)parcel that is sloped towards the woods seems a pretty straightforward candidate for using "roofs - unconnected impervious"...
  16. ptmoss

    Septic System Design

    I would doubt very much to find a state that approved a septic system for a kennel and condition the approval to a certain breed, or size, of dog. Many states allow design based on one of two methods - unit flow, so it would be so many gallons/day/kennel run (not necessarily # of dogs, many...
  17. ptmoss

    Unsteady HEC-RAS Initial Conditions

    Are you kidding me? I would absolutely take that Space Shuttle. Even just to the end of my driveway!! (Does it come with a plow?)
  18. ptmoss

    water main sewer main conflict

    Whether digging test holes was called for or not, a contractor who keeps working like that is just plain wrong. And when you unearth a problem like that that wasn't picked up during the planning process then the potholes, as you all call them, should have been done to determine the extent of the...
  19. ptmoss

    use of Treated sewage effluent for construction

    Depending on the state, individual septage pumpers/haulers can get permits to dispose of the septage on fields after screening and treatment, usually adding lime. Could be the contractor was going to make a few bucks by being able to dispose of it for a hauler. It would definitely need a...

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