Just testing concrete 2d frame. Need genereal explanation. If i have 10m long beam, and 15cm confinement space, means i need 67 pieces of confinement bars. I do not understand program input (red area)?
Now i get it. Start new testing frame, and the directions of reactions and shear forces work. Maybe the first frame has loads in y direction (global coorinates) becouse torsion (can not seen in pictures) is also appearing. Logic WORKS now.
Understand. But why this same logic does not work for the column support? Share force in small distance out of column support must be in right direction to equilibrium reaction which is in left direction. I am developing one simple logic that will work for every case and for every component.
From my prespective, reaction is to the left. But shear force is action and has opposite direction, which is to the right (positive in local coordinates). The same logic works in reaction of the beam. I understand your prespective but does not work in case of reaction of the beam. Thank you for...
Have a question. Why shear force 2-2 diagram shows -0,91kN on column (local koordinates), first picture? But if i see reaction in global koordinate it shows F1=-0,91kN, second picture. According to this reaction shear force 2-2 diagram must be +0,91kN and not -0,91kN. I am confused now. Please...