That is what I was thinking as well. I'm just trying to find documentation on where the industry standard has settled on 9% Ni rather than 8% Ni. Impacts/tensiles improve slightly with the higher Ni content, but I can find any supporting documentation.
I hope the new version of the NB Code, soon to be released, confronts this issue.
I'm assuming the vessel must be "R" stamped as well?
Customers don't like purchasing an "R" vessel. It's kind of like buying a 'refurbished' unit.
Does NBIC or ASME address the requirements in which to change a location of a Division 2 vessel? The UDS and MDR both reference a specific location in which the vessel will be located (with applicable wind loads, loadings, etc). However I can not find anywhere which addresses the requirements...
Hey guys,
Is there anywhere in the code that states that all pressure bearing parts must have a Certificate of Conformance or a ANSI certification when received in order to build to either 31.1 or 31.3?
Thanks for the help!
QC Engineer
Test results are in! These results are after a 2nd heat treatment on the sample.
Post-Forming, Post-2nd Heat Treatment:
Yield Strength - 81.4 ksi
Ultimate Tensile Strength - 99.3 ksi
% Elongation - 32%
So pretty much didnt change after the second heat treatment. One thing noteable happened...
metengr & edstainless,
We sampled from the top of the head as to reduce the influence of the forming on the properties of the metal. According to our suppliers, the A353 was double normalized and tempered all within spec of the ISG guidelines. Here is some other data:
Original MTRs:
Here's the situation. We cold form our heads for pressure vessels using 9% Ni plate (A553 and A353, mostly A553 though), and stress relieve the heads after forming. We closed a plant in Plaistow, NJ and inherited (paided for) a bunch of heads from that facility. Problem was, they didn't have...