Is it possible to make a boundary box around a component and/or make a feature of it? (Is it anyway possible to make a boundary box in SW?)
Because i want to know the "raw material size" of my product for my material costprice calculations. Then i want to export the mass to Exel an do...
Running SP2 from the beginning and no problems so far. I'd love the pop-up-stopper. If you use an other firewall than XP, you better turn off the standard xp firewall to occur security related issues.
Probably ctopher is rihgt, but you can also look at the website below;
There are lot of nVidia drivers. THere's information as well how to softmod your card so that it acts like a Quadro.
I did it with succes.
Ok, this is really helpful. I haven't a clou yet how to make configuration but with the help topics i will find out.
I work alone so i haven't people with experience around me who can tell me what is normal and what's not, so i am very glad with you tips and suggestions.
Regards Bertus
Thanks a lot for the very interested links. I've used and followed all tips and it works out but unfortunately not very much.
According to the performance; the amount of used memory is quite stable. Sometimes there are peaks but not very often. The taskmanager shows that from the 4000mb...
Thanks for your reaction and your link.
i was wondering why my system is slow down, but maybe it's not my graphic card but due to something els. Are there tips or forums how you can speed up your system without buying new stuff.
When i use for example 'section view' in a large...
You've 696 components what is inclusief parts and (sub-)assemblies. Without assemblies (totaly 58) you've 638 parts (check: 638+58 = 696). From that 696 components are 263 parts unique what means that they are different from each other. The rest (375) are 'parts' you've used more than...
I know that the discussion about graphic cards have been passed in this forum and in FAQ's before but i need some advice.
At the moment I work with SW 2004. My system: P4 2.8Gh 1mb cache, 2 Gb DDR and unfortunately a (very good) gaming card nVidia FX 5950 256 mb ultra (real view not supported)...
Propbably. I am going to install 2004 on an other computer and see what happens. Maybe its something in XP whats wrong. Otherwise i am going to contact the solidworks guys and see what they say.
Anyway, thanks a lot for your help and tryings. I appreciate that.
Regards Bert
I installed Solidworks 2003 on my computer and indeed, it opened the files without a problem as well.
But version 2004 still gets a error.
Strange, i am curious about what happen when you open it in 2004.
Thanks Barry and Baugh for your quik answers,
I wrote "unexpected filedivision" but, because englisch is not my native language i translated it from dutch to englisch probably a bit wrong.
It is an XP- message who tells me that the file is wrong in its self. "Classification"...
I get continually the strange winXP error "unexpected filedivision" when i open an file i haven't made by myself in solidworks 4.
Am i doing something wrong or is there any solution for this?
I got the files by Fanuc, but they haven't a clou.
Thanks in advance!