They were set to Black Text on a White background (I draw on white.)I reset them to default and then redid them and it's fine. I've never changed them so I'm at a lose why they reversed. It's been about 3 years since I set them the last time and just got brain fade.
Thanks for the help.
I've had AutoCAD LT 2002 (yeah, I know it's old...) working fine until recently. I now get nothing on the command line or in the List Box. The command will be followed, and since I've used CAD for so long I almost never look there but List I need. Any way of turning this back on, or any idea...
Thanks Guys. The Help function needs help, and I've got all the ".mn_"'s copied over. It's not a huge problem as I don't plan on blowing up my drive again in the near future (who does?); it's just a pain trying to remember all the little convenient things that get developed over the years...
It's been a long time since I've had to do this. How do you save your settings so that when you have to reinstall Windows/AutoCAD (or the whole drive, like me) you don't have to try and remember them all?