my calculations are finesh so I split the screen in two part on of for model compressed and the other part for the curve that I have drawn . now i want create a connection between the two half cad when the model is compress I see the point on the curve
thank you in advance
I need to divide my python program into two parts, and I need to use lists from the first part in the second part. How can I do that?
thank you in advance
I use this instruction:
from caeModules import *
openMdb(pathName ='C:/Users/chourouk/Dropbox/thèse/numérique/Mousse_cube_essai1.cae')
but i have this error:
SyntaxError: ("Non-ASCII character '\\xe8' in file
C:/Users/chourouk/Dropbox/th\xe8se/code python/coupe_avec_une_sph.py on line
I wrote like that but it shows me an error
for i in NodelabelList :
xy0 = XYDataFromHistory(odb=odb,
outputVariableName='Reaction force: RF3 at Node'+str(i)+' in NSET Forces',
steps=('Step-1', ), suppressQuery=True) # read results from nodes Forces...
How I can automate this part for a vector that contains n node?
xy0 = XYDataFromHistory(odb=odb,
outputVariableName='Reaction force: RF3 at Node 1 in NSET NODE_BOUNDARY',
steps=('Static_definition', ), suppressQuery=True) # read results from nodes Forces
xy1 =...
How can I define a region through edges such as edge[0],edge[3],edge[4].....
On the other hand the number of these edges is variable according to the case
for example i make this :
region = p.SetFromElementLabels(elementLabels=edges11, name='Wire_cubic_cell1')
p =...
this my script but still no result !!
tolerance = 1.0e-6
for node in mesh_nodes:
if node.coordinates[2]-(zmin+0.1) < tolerance:
x = node.coordinates[0]- random.random()*0.1
y= node.coordinates[1]-random.random()*0.1
z =...
On an abaqus interface I have two solids a foam and a plane, I will apply on the foam a compression so that it compresses on the interface of the plane, the problem I had was that when i applicate the compression the foam passes through the plane.
any solution please!!!