I have a journal that does a few CAM actions (regerating tool paths) and then outputs a CLSF file. I need the user to be able view the operations manager and the model before presenting the user with a windows menu asking whether or not to output the CLSF file.
Does anyone know the correct...
Sorry for the double post,
I want to clarify that I do know how to start a modeling session. I just need to know the piece about the specific (or minimum) pixel size of the window.
I have an NXOpen applciation that I've written/compiled with VS 2008 for NX 7.5 that opens a part file, makes geometric changes, and then exports jpegs of the part. The jpegs to be exported are of variable sizes (width/height) based on the geometries of the particular part.
My issue is that...
I do realize that this can be achieved by getting the collection of features, looping through the collection of features, and storing only features of type feature group, but I'm looking for a more efficient way of doing this if possible because many of my files have 1000+ features in them...
So I'm attempting to grab the Collection of Feature Groups or Sets Of Features in the current Part or even current Session. I can't seem to be able to do this in the same way that you get the collection of features, datums, points, etc in a given part.
I haven't managed to find a wrapper...
So, I'm writing journals in NX 7.5 and ran into a snag currently. I want the journal to create some geometries, then let the user select a point on a line (and thus the U Parameter of the point on the line) by the location of his cursor. Is there anyways for me to do this?
Okay, so I found a jerry-rigged way of finding the graphics window's pixel size:
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports NXOpen
Imports NXOpen.UF
Imports NXOpenUI
Imports NXOpen.Assemblies
Imports System.Xml
Module NXJournal...
I appreciate your quick feedback. However, I am able to export the entire graphics window without any issues. My main issue still remains to be specifying a rectangular box within the graphics window that will be exported. Additionally, I still have no way of identifying the window...
Over the last few days I've been looking into how to export framed images of the graphics windows to jpeg files through NX journaling in NX 7.5. The 'CreateFramedImage' method allows for the export of a rectangular window of the graphics window. Additionally, the function allows for you to...
So I've been trying to create a custom menu that during the execution of one of my scripts, will pop-up and require the user to push one of a few buttons or select one of a few options. I don't really care what it looks like or need anything special. I just would like to know how to get started...
Thanks Frank, I changed the work part to get the objects I needed. However, now I'm trying to using those planes, datum axes, and bodies for constraining the assembly component to planes and points in my original work part. Every time that I attempt to use the variables containing planes or axes...
Hey guys, so I've got funcitons that load in a part and then pulls in a component assembly using the following functions:
Function Load_Part(ByVal filepath1 As String) As Part
Dim theSession As Session = Session.GetSession()
Dim workPart As Part = theSession.Parts.Work
So, I've been combing through the help file and trying all sorts of round about options which don't see to be any good or very robust. Here's my issue: I create an associative arc from three points (start, end, mid) and then need to use the center point of the arc later to create an associative...
So, in UG/NX 7.5, I'm writing a journal that entails a combination of point, datum axis, and datum plane creation. I currently have the issue that once I create a datum axis, I cannot store the object in a variable... I only have the variable of the type Features.DatumAxisBuilder or an NXObject...