thanks HEC and bimr, your reply let me clear a bit.
what method can be applied for blowdown? how to blow out the contaminants inside system? by steam out or other pressure medias?
thanks gr2vessels.
you are right, we need at least one of vent and drain for the air cooler equipment pressure test. I agree with that.
Once start-up, vent and drain seem to be useless, because the tube bank is sloped down from inlet to outlet, and piping have vent above air cooler and drain...
thanks Mike.
I know mobile lifting equipment is always more economic than permanent one; however, this compressor is located inside building without large entrance.
good day every body,
this might be a stupid question: how to decide to use traveling crane or monorail for lifting? it seems traveling crane is much better than monorail as long as space is enough to put rails.
thanks for your reply!
please ignore how many Ds for up/down stream straight pipe, it could be from 2D to 20D even more.
My PI is for plant control, I put it within distance required by orifice meter up/down straight pipe. otherwise, it is too high to access.
sorry, 5D is not a real thing, I used it as a number presents straight pipe.
my question is: the distance between PI and orifice, is shorter than the length required by the orifice meter up/down straight pipe.
I agree with racookpe1978. Is there any other opinion?
Thanks so much, jte! you have much more experience in operating plant than me, and your solution works on maintenance.
The spectacle is shown on P&ID. As a piper, I only can decide its location to fit process requirement. That's why I asked the spectacle location.
anyway, I learned some...
In service ? is a open spectacle, and out of serve ? is a closed spectacle. maintenance don`t need provide blind flange in this way
your point makes sense for me if it is normal for maintenance folks have spare blind flanges on site.if so, should piping group note this material on IFC ISO...
on your out of service, you mean adding additional flange and bilid to valve on site?
my visualization is like this:
In service:
exchanger-||---(removable spool---||---(pup)---|?|X||---(pipe)
Out of Service:
exchanger-| |---(pup)---|?|X||---(pipe)
thanks for your reply.
the spectacle location is exactly the same as P&ID sequence, I think it is for hydrotest to isolate heat exchanger.
If we blind the valve, that means we need put another spool between removable spool and spectacle+valve. that is: exchanger - removable spool - pup -...
In piping model, a spectacle which is on a removable spool, is connected to an tube&shell heat exchanger nozzle directly.
My question is: is this configuration wrong? during maintenance, the removable spool including this spectacle is removed, how to prevent fluid inside piping come out...
High point vent is used for hydro-test and start-up.
In hydro-test, fluid level would fill level by level.
In start-up, I only know for steam line, steam will mix some air acting as a piston. Air would not be vented completely even putting a vent at the end of horizontal run after...
air will be released completely as long as the vent is on the highest point.
fluid level raises evenly on horizontal part, air will be pushed to the highest point.