Thank you for your kind reply. I am agree with you that there is no sense in relating capacity to power and i am trying to contact with the author of this article.
Regarding Table 3, it is written that continuous current at 0.5C and life cycle is measured at 0.3C. What i should use ...
Thank you for your kind reply.
I read this article so many times trying to understand but it is written exactly as follows:
'' charging power equals to discharging power with 30% capacity of battery and optimum power value is 20% capacity of the battery ''
You can find it in...
Thank you for your kind reply.
How can I convert the capacity to power ??
If nominal current is 72 A. Then time for 30% of the capacity = 0.3*360/72 = 1.5 h and for 20% capacity is 1 hour. If I divide the energy of 30% capacity and 20% of the capacity over time of 1.5 hr and 1 hr, I have...
Hi There,
In an article called 'An Energy Management System of a Fuel Cell/Battery Hybrid Boat', the author assumed values of charging, discharging, and optimum power of the battery as follows:
charging, discharging, and optimum power values for battery (Poptchar, Poptdis, and PBATopt ),
Hi 3DDave
I will use the mathematical equations into Matlab. So i need to know the speed ratio and torque ratio for this system which consists of two engines running one propeller through a twin input/single output gearbox.
Thank you all for the advices but this is an existing system and i just want to mathematically model it.
What is the gear ratio for twin input/single output gearbox ??? is the gear ratio will be different from torque ratio ??? the total system inertia at the shaft should be = inertia of...
Hi Drawoh
Thank you for your reply. what i am trying to do is mathematically model the shaft dynamics of this system which consists of two diesel engines driving a propeller through a gearbox. This equation should be used:
2*pi*Inertia of rotating parts*(dn/dt)= T(eng) - T(propeller) -...
I want to do some calculations for two diesel engines drive a ship propeller through a gearbox. I want to know the reduction ratio, total inertia of the system, torque ratio, etc.
I know that the power delivered at the propeller which rotates at 151 rpm will be equal to the sum of power of the...
Thank you for your kind reply.
I can calculate load torque (propeller torque) but how will we take moment of inertia (J) of the propeller and the shaft into consideration ??
Hi There,
I want to mathematically model a DC motor connected to a ship propeller through shaft but i am very confused because of the load torque.
I am using the following block diagram to model my motor. Is the load torque is the propeller torque ?? or the motor torque should be equal to the...