Hi All;
I am a project inspector and I have to assess a determined sized ductwork based on an inlet duct CFM instead of an specified CFM in the all of inlet-outlets and unknown sizing. Actually, The All of sizings for fittings and ducts are specified and I only as an inspector have to analyse...
Dear Drazen;
Thanks a Lot four your fast answer.
Ok, I can send my file for your consideration.
Can you save as my mep file as ABS 2007 format needed for elite DuctSize 6.01.22?
It should be noted Abs (Autodesk Building system 2007) is previous version of Autocad mep 2011.
Thanks in advance...
Dear Drazen;
Thanks for your kind suggestion. But, unfortunately Autocad mep 2011 generates autocad drawing(*.dwg) files . However Elite Software Ductsize 6.01.223 requires DSA format or ABS 2007 drawing *.dwg( Autodesk Building systems) as import from Autodesk building sysem 2007. Is there any...
Hi All;
I drew some duct dwg's in Autocad Mep 2011. I need export these files in a software analyzing ductworks. I decided use ductsize elite soft6.01.22 for this purpose, but I don't know how to export my provided dwg's to this softare.
Can you help me?
Thanks a lot.
Philip Saimon