Thanks D I am going to look into Conval for sure, and yes that is correct a sizing/configuration program should be able to do so much more. With hysteresis comparison monitoring abilities through sophisticated instrumentation the possibilities should be endless.
Gooday everyone! I am trying to find a couple of good (USA Based) software engineering companies who can develop a control valve sizing & selection program for my company. I have only seen one that I have any interest in so far but I don't want to just go at the first one I come across when you...
However I will also say that for years and years we designed cage style valves in =%, Linear & 1-5 stage low noise with high accuracy long before Xt values were introduced simply by working out the summation of the body, cage & seat bore Cv's individually to come up with an overall Cv. With all...
Here is an extension to Fishers cat 12 it has all the Cv & Xt values listed.