Your lined plenum box may just do the trick, as long as the air (and sound) has to bounce off at least one wall before exiting the diffuser. However, it is a gamble. If it doesn't quite work as well as you hope, guess who get the blame and the bill?!! (Hint: it's you) You need everyone to sign...
Let's not forget our pump laws. Remember, 1/2 the flow takes only 1/8th of the power. So, if you can reduce the pump flow and still service your loads adequately, by all means do it!
I think Mr. pipesnpumps has the right approach regarding loads. Mr. Macmet: What kind of loads do you have...
We had an ugly noise problem once in an office. The takeoff was close to the fan, there was no liner in the main duct, and all of the above comments applied. Rather than lining the main duct, though, we lined a single 90 degree elbow feeding the office. It solved the problem completely. Does...
Any chance of installing a duct liner instead of using external insulation on the duct? Not sure of your duct sizes (or how small your insulation contractors are.....[smile]
You will need careful specs on treating exposed insulation edges, etc. and you will have to deal with moisture...
Just wondering if anyone has taken the time to compare these two standards. I am working on a low rise apartment building that requires a compliance review to ASHRAE 90.1 (which is a little weird I know...) My question is: if you comply with ASHRAE 90.1, will you be at least as energy...
Hi GenB! I'm open to suggestions here. I looked in the index at the back of the binder (page 670 or so). I didn't see it listed. Am I looking at the wrong thing? Please advise. (By the way, JTE found it for me, as shown above.)
Just getting going in a course on BPV and in Section VIII, Division 1, UG-34 (c) (1), it makes reference to Table U-3. For the life of me, I can't find the table. Can anyone give me a page reference? (Sorry for the newbie-ish-ness of the question.....)