I respectfully don't understand your reasoning for referencing google on your first response. You can google ANY of the questions that anyone posts in ANY of these forums. Think about it. It's a pointless response. Your second response was a lot better.
Thanks. Sincerely.
Looking for typical inside and outside rads for rectangular hollow structural steel (4"x3") with 3/8" wall. Can anyone help out or point me in the right direction?
Process is low pressure permanent mold. Thanks for the data, TVP, particularly the min data.
This is typical data I've seen. The key now is to determine the safe min value to sign up to. I prefer to express tensiles as mean - 3*sigma, but won't happen in this case. That's why I have to be...
Well, yes, I understand the 'standards', but I'm wondering what people are seeing in practice. And I'm talking yield, by the way, not ultimate.
I'm trying to design a suspension component, FEA shows peak stress just under 240MPa. I don't think this can be achieved with A356-T6. Can anyone...
Wondering what others are getting for yield stresses on A356 - T6 aluminum castings. I'm seeing design callouts for up to 240MPa (34.8 ksi). Seems that designers are pushing the limits of the alloy possibly beyond capabilities. From excised bars, I see a wide range, but nothing to the level...