Found this in another forum.
Reply From: Tim Decker
Date: Apr/19/05 - 09:00 (EDT)
Re: mtext zoom
Not exactly, you can set your MTEXTED variable to "oldeditor", and it will
not use the in-place...
I like to alter my mouse snaps, bringing the ones I use most often to the top and add some double snaps ie. endp to endp. In previous versions this was done in the .mns but in 2006 there isn't one and I couldn't find anything that looked familiar in the acad.cui. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks for the quick response, however it didn't do the trick. I'm still getting the same message. I did notice that there is an MSICleanup utility but there are only ones for win 9x and NT, we are running 2000 Pro. Any other sugestions?
While trying to install SE 15 on a machine I get a message that says a version of SE is on the system and I need to uninstall it first. There is no and never has been SE on the machine. Any suggestions