The equation is:
This translates to:
where v is the specific volume and R is the universal gas constant. I do not know M or v.
I am given:
P=350 psi
T=160 F
Relative humidity = 40%
How do you calculate molecular weight or the specific volume?
I know my relative humidity, temperature, and pressure, and I am trying to find the specific volume. I do not know the quality. Any help is appreciated.
I have a solid copper wire (.080 cross section) and used as a static face seal inside a groove on a flange. I am wondering what the seating stress is. According to ASME Section VIII BPVC on table 3-320 they list a ring joint gasket with a seating stress of 18,000 for iron or soft steel. Should I...
I used a sonic nozzle to measure the flow rate of a compressor. The nozzle was located at the discharge of the compressor. I have found my flow rate in CFM with respect to the pressure drop and temperature at the nozzle. To my understanding this is CFM (not ICFM, ACFM, or SCFM). I want to...
Does anyone know the yield stress of:
G4000 gray iron casting with a tensile strength of 40 ksi
65-45-12 ductile iron casting with a tensile strength of 65 ksi
The casting has a tensile strenght of 40 Ksi and the bolt has a tensile strengh of 150 Ksi. Thus, shouldn't the threads on the casting fail before the bolt. I have an older version of the engineering handbook but I did not see anything on the internal thread strength of iron castings.
I have a 7/16 Grade 8 standard steel bolt with a tensile strength of 150,000 psi which threads into a casting made of either:
Ductile iron type 65-42-12 -> tensile strength = 65,000 psi
Gray iron type G4000 -> tensile strength = 40,000 psi
I am looking for the torque specs of both castings...
Does anyone know if there is a weld that will withstand 2500 psi on the end cap/plug of a pressure vessel. The butt weld fittings are only good for up to 1470 psi. I am using a 5" diameter pipe.
Does anybody know the correct spacing for pressure taps before and after an orifice plate. I read in a book that D and D/2, Flange, and corner taps were recommended. However, the same book also had a figure for the pressure tap locations at 2D and 2D.
Also, where is the best location to mount...