Sorry- I’ve been out of the discussion for quite some time! I have a habit, like the Wise Old Owl, of standing back and just listening.
Thank you to everyone who has helped out with my question, especially SNORGY, yes- we must have shared the same beer! Perhaps I should have drunk the beer...
Thank you very much once again SNORGY. I’m afraid I don’t know whether I’m correct on the understanding of this problem, I have my point of view and would like to think that it is correct. Socrates was well know for his inquiries and debates between individuals with opposing viewpoints based on...
Let’s say that we are moving the projectile from rest to an acceleration of 1 metre per second per second at the end of a distance of 1 metre, over the next metre let’s say that with increased energy we’re able to produce 10 metres per second per second, next- let’s say 100 metres per second per...
Thank you everyone, who has contributed in trying to getting to the bottom of my answer. I’m always very grateful to forums such as this, not only to answers to my own personal questions, but also to the creation of searchable information accessible to other Web users, myself included. It’s a...
I have a question about the “muzzle velocity” of projectiles fired from a gun barrel! I’ve always assumed that the projectile is still accelerating- providing the rate of burn and energy of the charge is sufficient to continue to overcome friction and inertia as it leaves the muzzle- that the...
1 Yes- butane injected as part of emergency relief- about -2 degrees centigrade.
2 Line being steamed out from process units- 95 degrees centigrade.
3 Yes- normal line back pressure about 0.5 bar.
4 Total quantity about 5 cubic meters- injected over- possibly 2 minutes.
5 No- normally steam...
Can someone please tell me the effects of the following scenario? A 36 inch steel pipe approximately 1 km long, used as an emergency flare line- containing a mixture of gas vapour and steam. Line temperature of 95 degrees centigrade. If a quantity of cold liquid butane was to be injected into...