When I start a new part and create the first feature the selected sketch plane is auto rotated to a normal view. I like this feature and would like it to behave in a similar manner on subsequent feature creations.
I've looked through the options dialogs but haven't been able to find any...
I matched your sketch but it still isn't working. I can get it to pattern linearly and the vary sketch option is active when I pick the .750 dim now but when I try to pick the diameter 1.000 as dim 2 it gives me an error message.
I'm just going to cut individual holes for now. Thanks for...
Thanks Michael. It seems that for it to work the dimensions already have to be exactly the same, they can't just be "close enough" to each other to trigger the equal relation.
Maybe time for an ER.
Hmmm... I can't look at the part as I'm running SW2010. Could you post a screenshot instead perhaps?
Also, I can remove the diameter and all locating dims to the hole yet my vary sketch is still grayed out when I try to do a linear pattern?
Coming from Pro/E I miss the ability to sketch two lines, circles, etc... and have it automatically add an equal relation. I tried the Scan Equal without success as well before I realized it was for drawing mode only.
I know I can add the relations later in a sketch but it was much faster to...
I'm sure there is some way to do this but I can't figure it out. I have a plate with a hole pattern in it that I am trying to model. The holes are spaced 1" apart and go from a diameter of 1" down to 0.2" in 0.2" increments (ie 1.0. 0.8, 0.6...). I can pattern the holes linearly to get the 1"...