The concern is the External Floating Roof integrity (seals), it could be afected by the crude movement when is pumping into the tank, Q= 5,000 Gal/min. Pipe inlet Dia= 30". The oulet 42" flow by gravity. API Grav.16
Hi for everyone!, Regarding this matter somebody could help me? it is necessary the installation of a vortex breaker in inlet pipe when a EFR is designed?. How can i design it? API 650 does not make some reference! the Floating Roof could be damaged without VB? The EFR is Double Deck type, Tank...
Hi for everyone.Regarding API 650 APP.G parag. G.1.3.1, The Storage tanks with Dome roof shall be designed (wind girder)according parag. 3.9, nevertheless 3.9.4 says (It shall preferably be located 42" below the top). My question is: It's mandatory or not; could be less of 42". Same question for...
Mr. TK104. According you is necessary change some bottom plates,so maybe this crude tank is more of 10 years old. It is probably that the material could be ASTM A-36 but if you need be sure, one PMI (positive material identification)is a option. I am sure that after the PMI you will be without...
Mister Dungun.Regarding API Publ. 1025A section 5 really recomeds(not mandatory)and is not for Hydrants, is for fixed monitors. The minimun distance is from the equipment edge. However, previously radiation study should be done in order to be sure the operator integrity. It is not posible keep...
Gentlemen Happy New Year for all.
Regarding settlement in new tanks I only found information in Appendix B API Std.653 "Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration and Reconstruction", so API Std.650 does not refer to API 653 for settlement. Shall we use API Std. 653 for settlement even the tank is new...
For this kind of product "clean" Lube Oil, the storage tank does not require internal coating. Even so that depends of owner requiremens. Regarding corrosion allowance the minimun shall be 1/16" according to API 620 Appendix "G"