Give the latest condition after several maintenance activities, here are the results:
1. we focused our troubleshoot to the steam generator side, because we already sure that both the diesel generator are fine, no trouble there.
2. during shut down period last december, Mechanic personel found...
waros, we already test offline for the mommentary switch faster for any stuck or sticky contact, the result are good, then when we test online running DG, raise load DG to 200 kW still normal, waiting it for about 3 minutes, load stable. after that increase again to 250 kW,260 kW, and 280 kW...
iceworm,the DG's unit paralleled to TG in step by step, first DG synch'd, took 200 kW, after that second DG synch'd took another load with their own speed faster, and governor it self. and yes, i can get the meter signal from governor DG, for example, when this problem arise, opening DG's fuel...
thank you for all the responds and guides,
i forgot to inform that the system in island mode, with TG controlled with woodward 505 and in isoch mode, whereas DG's controlled with Woodward ProAct II, both in droop mode when in paralleled.
first DG synchronized with TG, and load increased...
first post and hopefully, experts can guide me to find the answers.
problem started few weeks ago, routine test paralleling diesel engine with main turbine generator almost create shutdown to our plant. this test is weekly program, never find this problem before.
diesel engine 2x1.5 MW/ 6.6 kV...