Not sure. It is possible. What is the difference between Extruded and Extrude in the parts tree?? Seems to me the difference is Extrude you can go back and edit just like you did when you first created the feature where as Extruded you can only edit dimensions really. The 3 Extrudes that I...
No Filters on. I still did not figure out what the exact problem was. I ended up deleting the feature and starting over. All is fine now. The problem was somewhere within a pattern feature.
Thanks for every ones responses.
Thanks for the reply. I do not have any boolean features suppressed. This part is the only open part.
Maybe explaining what is going on will help. Right now the part is 916 features long. I am trying to edit back at around 120. The features were not a problem before I made a...
Sorry. Some missing information.
I am using NX8.0.0.25
Also, the biggest thing I cannot figure out is that I have no boolean features suppressed before I am getting this error.
I am getting the following error: "cannot add a new feature to the tool body of a suppressed boolean feature"
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you,
So on another part I made another water plate that was only defined by a sketch and extruded. It was created with no problems. So that brings me back to the problem with this certain instance. I have created a tube with start and end defined by extended surfaces. I created a sketch to subtract...
I think I have tried most of the setting combinations and still the same thing. Would it matter if this part has an extrusion defined by a surface of the original part? I am not sure what else it could be
Jerry, seems to work fine only that when it creates the new part it also keeps my main part too. I will try to explain better. I have an engine block and I am making water jacket plates. I do what you say and create new component and label it "water jacket". It comes up in the assembly navigator...
Hello all, I am a SW guy trying to adapt over.
I have a situation where I need a plate to follow a somewhat complex shape. The plate needs to follow the pattern as it will be welded into place on my main part. I would like to create that feature in my main model and then export it out as a...
All of that makes sense. Sorry in my last post, last sentence I mean to say DML, not axis. Anyways I totally get what you are saying.
How do computers (CMM) measure surface straightness vs DML straightness? My thinking says that DML would be calculated by running the CMM probe along...
I appreciate the long winded response. They have figures in the textbook but I could not see the difference.
What I just got from that post is that the reason for overriding the rule is because the geometric tolerance isnt actually called out on the surface. It is referencing the...
Thanks guys for all of your help.
What books can anyone recommend to me?
I am still kind of stumped because one question is referring to a shaft and one is referring to a hole, which both are considered a FOS.
The other full question is: What is the size of the geometric tolerance zone...
The textbook I am using is "Fundamentals of Manufacturing" 2nd Ed. It is only supposed to be an overview of many different things, like GD&T. The paragraph that states rule 1 is only 17 lines long spanning 1 paragraph that only covers 1/2 of one side of a normal textbook page. Very General...
So how do I know when to override rule #1 and add the tolerance at the hole's MMC, instead of using perfect form at MMC???
If I were to assume perfect form at MMC wouldnt the answer be 10.0mm??
So according to my machinery handbook, RFS is used to indicate that a geometric tolerance or datum reference applies at any increment of size of the feature within its tolerance limits. RFS is the default condition unless MMC or LMC is specified.
If I am reading this correct, the only time...
As I just saw the section about student posting, yes I am a student but no this is not for a class. I am studying to take my Certified Manufacturing Technician exam.
I am getting a little confused from trying to learn the applications of both geometric tolerances.
It says here in my textbook that "Perfect form is required at MMC with surface straightness."
Is perfect form not required at all (MMC or LMC) for axis straightness??
In a sample question it...