I am trying to model insect vibrations in a plant, and my current road block is that I can't model the roots and some of the other parts of the plant. I am trying to figure out a way to apply a boundary condition to the main stem of my plant (where the stem meets the soil) that will model the...
I am trying to model the effects of an insects vibrational signal along a plant. Insects use plants to communicate, and some plants can completely dissipate the signals insects send along them before they reflect back to the insect so that the insect never sees its own signal.
I have data...
I forgot to mention that the displacement needs to be dynamic. I know how to use boundary conditions to apply a static displacement, but I am trying to simulate a stem that vibrates, so the load needs to move the stem by some set displacement value and then release.
I am trying to simulate a plant stem, and have real experimental data in which a plant stem in displaced a certain distance due to an input frequency signal, and then measurements of the displacement at different parts along the stem were made.
Consequently for my ABAQUS simulation I want to...