Thanks for the info. Scotty & Mike - my first instinct was the same as yours, but that's what the customer is asking for. The application is not dangerous if communication is lost or garbled. Jraef - I called our local AB tech support to get more info, since I found what you were talking about...
This is all great information. Unfortunately I don't have all the details. It comes second hand from one of our technicians. I do know there is no VFD involved, just a motor starter.
We had hoped to sell the customer a test panel that would boost the voltage to 575V from their 460V supply...
We have a customer that is testing 10HP 575V fan motors at 460V. I can't see how the motors will even run, but apparently they do. What kinds of problems will they run into?
Thanks to you both. Waross' response was a bit over my head, but his example is exactly what our customer wants to do. He needs to test 575V 30 HP motors with a 460V supply. For some reason our regular component supplier is having a hard time finding a suitable transformer.
I'm brand new to the electrical business. I'm curious - why do they call it a buck and boost transformer? Also, transformers are usually referenced with the primary being the higher voltage and the secondary being the lower voltage. Can any transformer be wired "backwards" to step up the voltage?