A friend has a welder who has qualified to (ASME IX) on a pipe test P1 to P1 with GTAW ER70S-2 root and hot pass then filled and capped with SMAW E7018. The same welder then tested on P1 to P1 with SMAW E6010 all the way and was qualified on that test also. My question, is the welder qualified...
Thanks, DWVE for the prompt answer to my question. If I am getting this right you have already qualified the GTAW-ER70S2 by the root pass so it is okay to drop the SMAW fill and cap and weld out with GTAW-ER70S2 and the thickness of weld metal deposit then determines the thickness qualified for...
Can you use a WPS for GTAW root-ER70S2 and fill and cap SMAW with E7018 on P1 to P1 base metal for a new welder qualification of a GTAW-ER70S2 all the way out.
Just wanted to thank all you guys for the quick and concise responses. I will be passing this info on to the powers that be in hopes that they will take a better look at the situation next time. Oh, they did manage to get the tube ends all welded and PT tests revealed no rejectable indications...
Just wanted to thank you guys for the quick response and valuable information. It appears that the choice of filler metal is a bad selection, however that is what the customer is requesting so we are attemting to make the best of a bad situation.
We are having problems welding duplex 2205 tubes to a carbon steel tube sheet using inconel 625 rods with the GTAW process. We keep getting small indications after PT testing and after grinding out the 1ndications and repair welding the PT test shows no indications. Upon making the 2nd pass of...