Waross: Thanks for the reply! In the first post i wrote that i didn't understand how you could estimate the voltage rise from the formula when not considering other power sinks in the radial (and the impedance in the formula is calculated from the fault current). But bacon4life pointed things...
Thanks for replying, HamburgerHelper. I've been busy this weekend, sorry for the late response.
My question is not how to find Vgen (or Vpcc), but the "correct" value of Zthev (or first of all understand it).
And hello magoo! I have to make some clarifications, seems like my explanation...
According to the book "Renewable Energy on Power Systems" by Freris & Infield, the voltage rise due to injection of power in pcc can be estimated from the Thevenin equivalent representing the network "upstream" pcc (Figure 1). The Thevenin voltage can be taken as the nominal voltage in the...