Hello All,
I am modelling an embedded foundation with ABAQUS subjected to loads combinations applied as the follow steps:
1. A constant vertical loads is applied.
2. Apply Horizontal displacement at the reference point until failure.
3. Apply a rotation until failure.
How can I determine the...
Hello Users,
Can such this meshing makes like a convergence issue in the model. I am applying a load on foundation. It is working with small loads, however when increasing the load to higher loads it is not converging the solution.
Hello Everyone,
I am modeling soil-foundation interaction with the use of ABAQUS Standard Solver. The foundation is modeled as a rigid body with applying displacement at the reference point.
To give you an idea about the model, in the model I have to apply displacement and rotation on the...
Hello esteemed ABAQUS users,
Can anyone help! my model is not running and give me this error and warnings. The contact surface in the warning in a bottom and side surfaces of the foundations.
I tried to suppress the contact and see if the problem will be solved, the model run partially and...
So, please to confirm, the unconnected mesh here will not be a problem in the model!
As you see the nodes of the foundations is not connected with the soil at the perimeter.
Thanks for your patience
Above these mentioned, I might have to model the soil as deformable solid and the foundations as a rigid, and this is another reason to model as two parts.
Thanks for your response
Actually I want to model the interaction between parts surfaces. So, it seems that I have to model them as separate parts. However, in this case, I will obtain unconnected mesh between the two parts.. Is this accepted, because I saw a lot of videos that the parts have...
Hello Users,
I am trying to mesh a foundation-soil interaction using two parts and the foundation is a solid embedded part in soil. I am starting modeling with simple cylindrical foundation but the geometry of the foundation after that will be more complex using elliptical foundation. So, I am...
I am grateful for your prompt response
I am a new user of Abaqus. So, could you please illustrate more how can use partitions to solve this issue. Because I am already using it but I think with the wrong way.
Hello esteemed ABAQUS Users,
If any one can help me. I am trying to model foundation-soil interaction in a 3D model with ABAQUS. I modeled them as two parts. However, while meshing, I see that there is no compatibility between the foundation part mesh and the soil mesh as shown in the photo.