I fully agree with Anand Shekhar,Capability /Stability of System should be first analysed for DOL start.
The deisgn could be such that in case of any fault in Soft starter ,the softstarter contactor should get opened & give command fot Bypass contactor to Close.
is that the thing Anand.
In VFD's...
Dear JLuc,
we are using OLTc for trnsformers that are 75 MVa & 220KV/33 KV,star-star.There are two transformers in parallel.
we have Remote tap changing Cubicle (RTCC) seperate for both Transformers.Auto voltage relay senses & gives command to cahnge the taps in Auto.its setting has to be done...
Many a times Motor feeders in LV & MV are contactor type having Earth leakage relay as protection relay.In motors which have both Phase fault & earth fault Relays (overcurrent & earthfault) earth fault is residually connected