Hi All,
Need your quick help. Can we use API 5L X65 material if design code of vessel is ASME SEC VIII DIV.1?
If yes, than where it is specified in ASME SEC VIII DIV.1.
How we get allowable stress of API 5L X65 PIPE?
Hi All,
Need your quick help. Can we use API 5L X65 material if design code of vessel is ASME SEC VIII DIV.1?
If yes, than where it is specified in ASME SEC VIII DIV.1.
How we get allowable stress value for API 5L X65 PIPE?
Design Code is ASME B31.3
Material of branch: A516 Gr.70, Thickness of Branch: 40mm
Material of Header: A516 Gr.70, Thickness of Header: 20mm
Now could you please let me know that PWHT is required?
Hai John..
Thanks for your response.
Can you pleas tell me how i can get WebKey Username & WebKey Password?
Also can you please send me spreadsheet of reuse libraries?
Hemant Solanki
Can anybody tell me how i can get library for standard components(like Pipe, Falnge, Weldolet, Sockolet, Structural items like Channel, Beams, Angles etc.,) as per various ASME code? Like ASME B16.5,MSS SP 44, MSS SP 97, ASME B16.9, ASME B16.20 & B16.21 etc.,
Dear All,
I need you help on subject matter.
Can anybody tell how to insert weld symbol other than avilable in AX 7?
Your early reply shall be highly appreciated.
Hemant Solanki
Appreciate your quick response.
My problem is that i am not able to find user expressions in part navigator. Could you please tell me how to get that.
Once again can you plz tell me step by step(if possible with print scrren snap) how to create user expressions.
Dear All,
I want help to make user expressions for any model in NX 7.
So that i can change dimensions of constaints in user expressions under pan navigator.
Can anybody help me with this by steps?