I would like to say Excellent work!!! I commend you for your dedication and hard work on developing the site.
A job well done!!
Outstanding Collection of info!!
So your not the curator anymore, how come...
Once again thanks for all the help,
Really appreciate the feed back
And I completely understand what you mean...
Another question.. Is the site
http://www.plmworld.org/museum/ Created/run by you?
Thank you so Much JohnRBaker!!!
That was exactly what I was looking for.
But I am not able to do it for a whole assembly. For a whole assembly how would I do it?
Please and thank you
Very greatfull to your quick response :)
Firstly Thanks JohnRBaker for your prompt reply :)
By going to Information -> Part -> Modifications...
I am only able to view the part history, But I am unable to edit/delete info from there
So how would I be able to clear the part modification history without changing any of the parameters...
Hello there
I had created a nx 6 assembly and parts last year and would like to view the history and change/update it to being created this year without having to redo all the parts and assembly.
Is there any way of doing so for the prt files?
Is there a program to do this or can this be done in...