Hi everyone
Basic question. PD5500 is being used to carry out a high cycle fatigue analysis of a fillet weld. The weld is subject to a simple sine-wave type loading which puts the weld through simple tension-compression cycles. The stress in the weld is being calculated using simple hand...
You should consider that an eigenvalue buckling analysis will produce primary buckling modes which are optimistic. If the structure has safety critical requirements then you should consider a full non-linear buckling analysis, which is what the code requires you to perform.
Is value “nolatu” assigned anywhere? If it isn’t then obviously that would give you null values. Check the output window for messages.
You can also replace the *GET command with e.g.
UX() is a direct method via an enquiry function.
See faq569-1083 for details...
In /prep7 type:
and then:
If the list comes back as empty then there are no volumes in your model, so regardless of whatever you try and do (CMSEL or otherwise) you are asking ANSYS to list or show information on an entity which doesn't exist. It sounds like there's nothing at...
Just to be clear. You managed to do a time history analysis of a tank with fluid and you'd like to know what force and stress is?
See faq569-1083 for details on how to make best use of Eng-Tips.com
I sized the welds according to Blodgett, but these are beyond the max effective size in that reference.
See faq569-1083 for details on how to make best use of Eng-Tips.com
I've spent many an hour trawling through articles and codes, searching through old posts on here, and just generally searching on Google without really bottoming this out.
Assume there is a requirement to join a length of Square Hollow Section (say, 80x80x5) to a smaller SHS (say, 40x40x5) by...
(1) typically, no.
(2) in implicit the solve time depends on several factors, generally (but not exclusively):
(a) the number of DOF in the model,
(b) the extent of non-linearities (e.g. The level and rate of change of plastic strain; how discontinuous the system is (for contact), the level...
ACEL is a body load (typically used to apply gravity) and not something usually associated with a time history record (if that is what you have). Create an input deck and read all of the commands in using File > read input from... in the GUI.
See faq569-1083 for details on how to...
There are many posts in this forum about this already - do a search. But in summary, in version 15 you are able to input an acceleration time history using the "D" command (see the manual and the "ACCX", "ACCY", "ACCZ" labels). You will need to read each time history into ANSYS as either a TABLE...
I think you're pushing buttons with your eyes closed. Have you bothered to take the time to understand what you're doing before doing it?
Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) isn't like doing a simple static FE analysis, it is actually quite involved, and can require a lot of interpretation. Take...
How much hourglassing energy are you getting compared to other energies in the model? Dyna manual states "confirm that the nonphysical HG energy is small relative to peak internal energy for each part (<10% as a rule-of-thumb)".
Have you tried:
1) refining your mesh around the region showing...
If I understand you correctly then I can give you a approach that would generally be used in seismic analysis (although be aware that variations do exist). Typically you would have orthogonal spectra for each global direction (X, Y, Z). The "horizontal" spectra (X, Y) are often the same and the...
Saying "am having trouble" is not enough information for people to help you. Explain exactly what your problems are and particularly what the mesher messages are.
See faq569-1083 for details on how to make best use of Eng-Tips.com
See faq569-1083 for details on how to make best use of Eng-Tips.com
I'm looking into developing a methodology which permits the use of a small plastic strain allowable (2%) calculated using pseudo-static linear elastic methods. The structure is effectively a simply supported beam subject to rapid high 'g' impulse loading, and the allowable would be plastic...
Make sure you read the load case by issuing the LCASE,# in /POST1 (where # is the number that you assigned using the LCDEF command).
See faq569-1083 for details on how to make best use of Eng-Tips.com