Thank you for replies
I have resolved the warning problem by limiting the max time increment to 1e-4 but for peak pressure the mises stress is around 291.8 MPa and PEEQ = 0.2 whereas my input stress = 263 Mpa and strain = 0.25. I am not applying rate dependent plasticity, the material obeys...
the peak stress is around 260 MPa but I am putting upto 280 MPa. I applied max load increment of 0.0005 and no warning occured(linear variation of load) but as I changed the amplitude curve warnings appear again. Do I need to adjust proper amplitude curve? everything seems fine otherwise
I don't know about the crack propagation but for the fluid pressure in the cylinder you could apply fluid cavity pressure in the interaction module and specify the internal fluid pressure in the boundary conditions and for the fluid flow you could apply fluid exchange property.
I have double checked everything and I also read the previous posts regarding the same warning messages but it is not working,if I further decrease fixed time increment to 1e-5 it takes much time.
hello everyone,
I am modeling the axisymmetric tube hydroforming of aluminium tube by implicit analysis, the pressure is varied upto 22 MPa
For higher pressure from 15 MPa onwards I get the warning messages
The strain increment has exceeded fifty times the strain to cause first yield at 1331...
I want to input material properties of AlMg3 alloy for hydroforming process. I have put the data points from the stress-strain curve in L direction in mechanical > plasticity > plastic . I have the value of R0,R45,R90 so i can obtain R11,R22,R33,R12 and put in sub-options > potential...
I am trying to simulate tube hydroforming process in abaqus,i am using axisymmetric model of the tube. The coupling between the pressure exerted by the contained fluid on the tube inner surface and the deformation of the tube can be modeled using (incompressible) hydraulic fluid elements...
I want to know if hydroforming process is applicable in forming of carbon nanotubes reinforced composites or any other metal forming process that can be implemented, as I want to do a finite element analysis on the above subject.
thank you